Jim Gray KYTC Secretary | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Jim Gray KYTC Secretary | Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
As Kentucky's weather warms, the state is taking steps to manage noxious weeds that can harm transportation infrastructure and reduce visibility on roadways. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has deployed highway crews in spray trucks and other equipment to control these plants along state-maintained roads.
"There’s a lot more than paving when it comes to road work," said KYTC Secretary Jim Gray. "Controlling noxious plants is a key part of maintaining safe roads as they can damage drainage systems; some can reduce visibility, while others attract wildlife closer to our roads and create additional dangers for Kentucky drivers."
The KYTC is tasked with controlling several invasive plants and noxious weeds according to KRS 176.051 and 603 KAR 3:100. These include Amur Honeysuckle, Canada Thistle, Common Teasel, Cutleaf Teasel, Japanese Knotweed, Johnson Grass, Kudzu, Marestail, Multiflora Rose, Nodding Thistle, Poison Hemlock, and Spotted Knapweed.
Noxious weeds like Spotted Knapweed and Canada Thistle often invade roadside turf grass areas, making them prone to erosion. Invasive species such as Kudzu can overwhelm native plants due to their rapid growth. Others like Amur Honeysuckle may grow over 20 feet tall if not controlled, reducing visibility and attracting wildlife near roadways.
Residents treating noxious weeds on private property next to state-owned rights of way can request assistance from highway crews for vegetation treatment. Application forms are available from the appropriate KYTC highway district office.
Motorists are advised to exercise caution when crews are spraying for weeds on the roadways.
Information from this article can be found here.